NATURE OF THE NEW ENERGY by Bryan Anderson, Teacher of New Consciousness

"First of all, the New Energy IS and that is all really, that you can say about it. Because the so-called New Energy is non-definable in itself, It is experiential, just like GOD, I Am! But what you can talk about, however, is the effects of the New Energy, and how you experience them in your reality vs. the experience of the Old Energy. And that information is very valuable to share. The New Energy is very fast and very easy to work with, yet fairly frustrating for the mind, which wants everything to be structured and "as usual". The mind is frustrated because the New Energy is completely unpredictable. It does not obey or follow the mind, it follows the Spirit, so to say. So if you focus upon something you want to create, let's say a red pencil, you may end up with getting a blue pen.

The nature of the New Energy is that it manifests in your life in the perfect amount, at the perfect time and in the perfect way - because it is your Self creating it and making it happen. So even though the mind wants it in one way at that specific time - it may come completely different. So there is indeed the element of TRUST IN SELF that is required to be able to move into New Energy.

Trust and allowing. Stepping out of the way, instead of sabotaging your own creations, which always will be perfect when you do not control or fear!


Definable/Undefinable, Dualistic/Expansive, Contained/Free, Conservation/Renewal, Limited/Unlimited Predictable/Unpredictable, Effort/Effortless, Complicated/Simple, Earn/Receive, Process/Accept, Doubt/Trust, Confusion/Clarity, Results/Experience, Constriction/Flexibility, Analysis/Awareness, Problems/Potentials, Skepticism/Curiosity, Force/Flow, Resistance/Allowing, Boring/Fun!

New Energy is not vibrational like Old Energy. It is expansional. It expands in all directions and dimensions simultaneously. It is nearly impossible to compare New Energy to Old Energy. They are totally different in nearly every respect. New Energy can be integrated into Old Energy reality. They don't have to be independent or separate. But because our Old Energy consciousness cannot define the New Energy, it will perceive the New Energy bubbles of consciousness coming in to be an intrusion, which tends to create resistance and panic in the mind. New Energy is like that. It is coming into your reality like a type of energy potential bubbles. These bubbles are all around you right now. Many times you are not aware of them, but you feel them. You feel something different and strange. You are not sure what it is. It is the New Energy's Divine Consciousness. It is New Energy.

In the Old Energy the human mind wants answers. Human consciousness always wants answers. The New Energy is not answers. There are no answers, because New Energy represents pure potentials. And a pure potential doesn't have to define itself as a singular answer, as a singular truth, but as many, many layers and potentials. So while the old human mind searches for an answer to a problem, sometimes very desperately or in great frustration, the New Energy comes to you, sometimes unseen and unknown, as potentials. You could start by erasing the word "answer" from your vocabulary and allow the consciousness of potentials to begin flowing in.

The human psyche right now cannot deal very well with things that are undefined. The mind has a neat little compartment system for all things, like feelings and thoughts and energy. But can you be so free that you can move the focus from mind into heart, and begin living from that place of no-definition - with TRUST IN YOUR SELF?

The human wants to know that there is a right and a wrong, a good and a bad, up and down. It wants to put a type of value judgment on nearly everything in life. In the New Energy living, there is none of that! It can't be defined in those terms. Perhaps the best way to say it is, that "It just is", without a value. Perhaps it is just experience, energy, consciousness. The human mind desperately tries to stay in these moral parameters of right and wrong as a way of keeping on track. But in the New Energy, there is no need of placing these kinds of limitations on yourself. They are indeed judgments. They are indeed a type of prison.

How the New Energy works.

It is all about being yourself in this Now moment, being present within You, loving You, allowing You. The New Energy source is the Self, the I Am Presence! So by allowing the I Am or Higher Self to be in control, instead of the Human Self, the New Energy can come in to Be and Do - for You!

Tobias states:

"In the Old Energy human consciousness there was a propensity to make things very difficult and complex. It served a purpose because it allowed your consciousness to find how deep it could go, how confused it could get, how lost it could be. In the New Energy there is a brilliant simplicity to everything. The New Energy doesn't have to discover depths anymore, because it knows everything has infinite depth, but yet infinite simplicity. It seems like a contradiction in terms, but in the New Energy most things Old Energy are indeed a contradiction of terms."

New Energy is purely experiential, it doesn't work very well trying to define it. Just feel it. It is a natural source of unlimited potentials. It is a source of unlimited and free energy.New Energy is without structure, but yet it can apply itself into current forms, into current consciousness, and enhance them. But as New Energy comes into current concepts and actually even into physical reality and physical structures, it will seem to be or appear to be that the New Energy actually destroys the old concept or the old structure. It seems to annihilate it. But when you look again or feel again closer, you will understand it hasn't done that at all. It was just an illusion.

It has redefined the consciousness of the Old Energy human. It has allowed that to expand and release its old structures and limitations into a free expression. So when you see things in your own life seeming to fall apart in front of you, it is actually not doing that at all. It is just redefining itself in an undefined and free way. Again, it is all going to seem to be contradiction, but it is not.

New Energy has no need for comfort. It is about expanding and evolving, experiencing and playing, because there is no right or wrong, good or bad, pain or comfort. It is just consciousness.

An excercise in applying the New Energy.

Take a situation in your life, that involves another person. Feel that other person's energy. Don't just imagine, but really allow the sensation, the deep feeling of that person. Maybe it is a spouse or especially an ex-spouse, a sibling, or anybody that you have been having some challenges or problems with. Like two sheep ramming their heads, you have been trying to figure things out in your mind, going in circles, running in a maze, trying to work things out between you both in an Old Energy way.

Obviously when you ram two things into each other, what do they do? They get bigger, they get more stubborn, and they get more sensitive.

So take that one situation that you have with another - feel the energy of this situation. Maybe it is not a comfortable feeling, but just let yourself feel it. Allow it. Feel what it is doing to your mind and your emotions and your body.

Now, allow the New Energy to come into this situation. Maybe your mind goes: "But if I allow New Energy into this old difficult situation, what is going to happen? Is it giving me an unfair advantage? Is it going to actually resolve the issue?" Perhaps you have been having fun playing with it for too long of a time. Will the other person win? Will they be the ones who benefit from this rather than you?

Well, just let yourself experience it now. Let the New Energy into you and into the situation. Don't try to figure it out. Don't try to manipulate it! Just breathe it in.

And now watch and observe what happens. Watch what happens later today, or in the next few days in particular with this person. Stand behind the "short wall" and understand that the New Energy comes in right now, because you have called on it! You have allowed it. See and observe how it works.

Let go of the expectations of what you think the outcome should be. Don't let yourself get caught up in the chaos or drama or fear. Just observe. You are going to have a brilliant triumphant discovery of how New Energy – your New Energy in consciousness – comes into play.

Again, no expectations now of what the outcome should be. Just observe.

And if you, like myself, find it difficult sometimes to actually find the peace within to actually even focus on the forgiveness, go into nature, take some breathing time, and then do the excercise. I can say from my own experience - IT WORKS - the results are so gracious and so full of life and love and freedom, for all parts!

Keep it Simple.

Old Energy involves complicated processes, which usually takes alot of forcing of energy, manipulation and struggle. The key to working with the New Energy is to keep it simple. There is a grace and a flow to the New Energy that cannot be made complicated, because if it becomes complicated the New Energy will withdraw and wait.

You will never figure New Energy out, but just know it when you experience it. In the Now moment. It will never repeat itself, but always be new and different. When you call upon New Energy into a situation, do some breathing, 3-4 deep breaths, invite it in, and simply let it do as it wants to, knowing and trusting that it will be perfect!

Make Conscious Choices and stand back so they can perform before you on the stage of your Life. Remember the New Energy is not dualistic, it is not even the opposite of Old Energy. It is totally New Divine Energy.

New Energy is created by our Divine Higher Selves, which means, it does not come from any other outside Source. It comes through us when we acknowledge ourselves as Conscious Creators, when we make clear choices, and when we allow the surrender of the reins and simply stand back. When we allow our Joy, Passion and True Self to be on stage in our lives - the New Energy flows naturally in. Until then, it simply waits in a stand-by position.

The New Energy, when being called into action, is not a linear manifestation, and will not come as you expect or hope, causing sometimes great frustration in the mind and anger in the emotions. The New Energy expands in all directions at the same time. It moves in and out of dimensions very fluidly and quickly. And the creations we call upon are also changing and expanding all the time in a fluid way. The Lemurian way, as the say: "Hey!"

by Bryan Anderson,Teacher of New Consciousness.